Instructions for Assignment03


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Writing real Code

In assignments 1 and 2, variable and function names were often things like question1 and question2. From now on, we'll use more informative function and variable names so that our code is "self documenting."

We'll also continue to use doc strings to help understand the specifications required for our functions.

Understanding DNA sequences

We've already done a fair amount of work in assignment 2 and in lesson 3 to make some functions for understanding DNA sequences. Below, I've put a couple of function signatures with docstrings, but you can (and should!) copy the necessary functionality out of the functions you've already defined, if applicable.


If you defined those functions in the julia REPL, you can go find them from the command line or the julia REPL! In VS Code, open ~/.julia/logs/repl_history.jl.

Question 1 - a complement function


Get the DNA compliment of the provided base:

    A <-> T
    G <-> C

Accepts `String` or `Char`, but always returns `Char`.
If a valid base is not provided, the function throws an error.


    julia> compliment('A')

    julia> compliment("G")

    julia> compliment("T")

    julia> compliment('C')
function compliment(base)
    # See Lesson 3 for more info

Question 2 - some boolean functions


A boolean function that returns `true` if the base is a purine (A or G)
and `false` if it is not.
The function only supports bases A, C, G, and T (throws an error for other values).
Accepts `String` or `Char`.


    julia> ispurine('A')

    julia> ispurine("C")

    julia> ispurine('B')
    Error: "Base B not supported")
function ispurine(base)
    # We haven't made this before, but you should have all the pieces


A boolean function that returns `true` if the base is a pyrimidine (C or T)
and `false` if it is not.
The function only supports bases A, C, G, and T (throws an error for other values).
Accepts `String` or `Char`.


    julia> ispyrimidine('G')

    julia> ispyrimidine("T")

    julia> ispyrimidine('X')
    Error: "Base X not supported"
function ispyrimidine(base)
    # This is the strict opposite of `ispurine`.
    # In principle, you can write this in one line - remember `!` means `NOT`.
    # Eg `isuppercase(x)` means the same thing as `!islowercase(x)`

Question 3 - Using boolean functions for composition

For the following function, you should not need to re-write the logic checking what kind of base this is. You've already written it, and it's in a convenient function!

A big part of programming is re-use; if you find yourself writing the same code multiple times, you should probably put it in a function and call that instead!


Determines whether a base is a purine (A or G) or pyrimidine (T or C),
and returns a `String`.


    julia> base_type("G")

    julia> base_type('C')

    julia> base_type('Z')
    Error: "Base Z not supported"

    julia> x = base_type('A'); println(x)
function base_type(base)
    # Note: this is different than the `base_type()` we defined in the lesson.
    # Here, we want a fruitful function that returns the value rather than `print`ing it.
    # Also, there's no need to re-write the logic. If your `ispurine` / `ispyrimidine` functions work,
    # you can use them here.

Question 4 - Modifying arguments instead of adding a bunch of logic

One thing that none of our functions can do so far is to accept lowercase sequences. Most of the time, DNA sequences are written with uppercase letters, but we may not be able to count on that.

If we want to be able to accept lowercase strings, one possibility would be to add additional logic, Eg

if base == 'G' || base == "G" || base = 'g' || base == "g"

But that's a lot of typing - especially considering we'd have to do this for every base! In programming, it's OK to be lazy (in fact, it's often better)! Instead, we can modify the parameters to be formatted the way we expect. For example, the uppercase() function takes a String or Char and returns the uppercase representation of it.

julia> uppercase('a')
'A': ASCII/Unicode U+0041 (category Lu: Letter, uppercase)

julia> uppercase("attc")

Note that, if you simply use this function on a variable or parameter, it will remain unchanged (the function doesn't "mutate" its argument), but you can re-assign the variable or parameter.

julia> seq = "attcgc"

julia> uppercase(seq)

julia> seq

julia> seq = uppercase(seq)

julia> seq

Some julia functions can mutate their aruments - we'll encounter some of those soon.


Calculates the GC ratio of a DNA sequence.
The GC ratio is the total number of G and C bases divided by the total length of the sequence.
For more info about GC content, [see here](


    julia> gc_content("AATG")

    julia> gc_content("cccggg") * 100

    julia> gc_content("ATta")
function gc_content(sequence)
    # Start with the same code as `question3()` from assignment 2.
    # only a small modification is necessary to make this work.

Question 5 - Incremental development

Now that you've learned how to do this, go back and modify the functions defined in questions 1-3 so that they are able to take lowercase arguments. You should not copy the code below this line to modify it, you should modify it in-place.

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